Johann STOJKOWITSCH (also known as Johann STOJKA), was born in Traisen (in the Lilienfeld district of Lower Austria), on Juni 30, 1896, and was a member of either the Lovara or Roma group of »Gypsies«.

He was an unmarried Roman Catholic, a horse trader, and had local citizenship rights in Lilienfeld. He had a life-partner named Serafine Adlersburg who often worked in Salzburg and who was listed in police reports as a »Gypsy«.

When the Nazis rounded up Austria’s Roma, Sinti, and Lovara »Gypsies« in the Salzburg region and interned them in the Salzburg »Gypsy Camp« neither of them was imprisoned there.

The horse trader Johann STOJKOWITSCH, had worked for Josef Noisternigg’s concern at 30 Reichsstraße since June 23, 1937 and was registered with the police at that address.

It isn’t clear if he was expelled from Salzburg by the Nazis or if he fled, but the latter is likely. In any case the 46 year old Johann STOJKOWITSCH was officially deregistered from Salzburg towards the end of 1942.

He was arrested somewhere that we haven’t been able to identify and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau section B II e (»the Gypsy Family Camp«) where he was registered as number Z-7017 on April 20, 1943. Like many victims, his death wasn’t registered in the camp records.

His life-partner, whose personal data appears in the Salzburg police records on »Gypsy movements«. Was also deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau B II e and registered as number Z-7735: Josefine (= Serafine) Adlersburg, born in Salzburg (presumably in Vienna) on January 1, 1899.

She had children, but the Salzburg police reports don’t give any personal data for them – a number of children were registered in Auschwitz-Birkenau B II under the name Adlersburg, but we don’t know which, if any, were hers.


  • Salzburg City and State archives
Author: Gert Kerschbaumer
Translation: Stan Nadel

Stumbling Stone
Laid 19.04.2013 at Salzburg, Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 57

JOHANN<br />
JG. 1896<br />
LOVARA<br />
DEPORTIERT 20.4.1943<br />
Photo: Gert Kerschbaumer

All stumbling stones at Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 57